Sunday, June 1, 2008

Gratz A. Moses

"(Philadelphia-born physician Simon Gratz) Moses had moved to St. Louis in the early 1840s and practiced medicine at his residence at 22 North Eighth Street. Dr. Gratz A. Moses (probably the son of S. Gratz Moses) served as a physician with the Confederate army. The elder Moses may have returned to Philadelphia for the duration of the war; he died in St. Louis in 1897. The younger Moses also returned to St. Louis after the war and built a successful practice; he died there in 1901."
-From Civil War St. Louis

In this post, I talked about Simon Gratz Moses and speculated that he was the Gratz Moses who played with the Cyclones. The point of the post was that S. Gratz Moses was probably too old to be a playing member of the Cyclones but how many Gratz Moses could there be in St. Louis in 1860?

Based on the information in Civil War St. Louis, it appears that there were at least two. E.H. Tobias identifies the Cyclone Moses as "Dr. Gratz Moses" and Gratz A. Moses was certainly a doctor. Also, if he was the son of S. Gratz Moses, he most likely would have been in his twenties at the time of the Civil War which would fit the age demographic of the rest of the club.

Certainly Gratz A. Moses is a much better candidate for being the Cyclone Moses than S. Gratz Moses.

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