Sunday, November 2, 2008

Von Der Ahe And Cricket

A meeting of the Victoria Cricket and Athletic Club was held at Capt. Treloar's rooms, 206 N. Seventh street, last night, twenty-seven members being present. Mr. Fred Julian presided. The following officers were then elected for the ensuing year: President, F. Julian; Vice-President, Christ Von der Ahe; Club Captain and Manager, A.S. Treloar; Secretary, M.J. Allen; Treasurer, Dave Thomas...At the next meeting to be held at the same place the annual games of the organization will be arranged, and the programme is certain to prove an attractive one. The Grand Avenue Base Ball Park has been secured for the club, and a lively campaign is promised.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, March 18, 1881

I think this shows Von der Ahe's interest in getting crowds to the ballpark when the Brown Stockings weren't playing rather than a general interest in cricket. But you never know.

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