Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Caught On The Fly, 1871 Style

Local Base Ball Notes

Last Saturday the Chargoggaggoggmanchoggogogg club, of this town, played the first of a series of three games with the Eureka club of Brighton, on the grounds of the latter club. The Edwardsvillians lost the game by 7 points. The next game will be played at Alton some time during the present month, and a third on the fair grounds at this place during the annual fair of the agricultural society.

On Monday evening last, those interested met at the court-house and formed a club, to be known as the Red Caps. The old Magnolias and the Chargog (&c., &c.,) are merged in the new club.

At the fair grounds, during the progress of the German Catholic picnic on the 4th, a game of base ball was attempted; but the excessive heat, etc., caused some of the players to wilt, and the game was abandoned.

There will be a practice game this afternoon on the grounds occupied by the Magnolias last season.
-Edwardsville Intelligencer, July 6, 1871

A couple of notes: The full name of the Chargog Club is not a typo. That's exactly as it appears in the Intelligencer. Also, for those who don't know, Brighton, Illinois is the home town of former Cardinal Jason Isringhausen.

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