Monday, February 23, 2009

The Best Fielding Nine They Have Ever Met

To-day the White Stockings met the Red Stockings, of (St. Louis), in friendly conflict, and gave the most interesting game of base ball that has ever been played in this city. The Reds, of St. Louis, are really the champions of the Mississippi. The Chicago Whites give them the credit of being the best fielding nine they have ever met. This St. Louis club is made up of athletes, most of whom belong to the Missouri Gymnasium, and are experienced ball-players, some of them having figured conspicuously in baseball circles...

The wind was blowing very hard against the batting, which made many terrific hits drop short in the fielders' hands. About 800 people were present to witness the game (which was won by Chicago by a score of 6-0).
-Chicago Daily Tribune, April 24, 1874

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