Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Decker's Dilemma

All lovers of the national game here hailed with pleasure the announcement made in the Globe-Democrat a few days ago to the effect that the Brown Stocking Base Ball Club had been admitted to the National League.  Among the many players signing contracts to play with the Browns throughout the season were young Decker, who has played behind the bat so well and pluckily throughout the season for the present team.  On Saturday evening last this gentlemen received an offer from the Stars of Syracuse, and, without waiting to consult with any party or parties, left for his new quarters.  Manager Solari, hearing of his movement, at once telegraphed to Secretary Williams, of the National Association, notifying that gentleman that Decker had inexcusably violated his contract, and asking him to notify the Stars that the Browns would protest against his playing with their team.  The action of the Star management is anxiously looked for in this matter.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, June 23, 1879

The admirers of the Brown Stockings will be pleased to learn that young Decker, their catcher, has decided to return to the fold, and that he will resume his position behind the bat in the Brown Stocking team next Sunday afternoon.  A meeting of the Club was held a week ago, when it was decided that Decker should be invited to return and that if he did not comply with the request that he should be expelled.  Frank was promptly notified of the action taken, and the following was received yesterday by telegraph:

Cincinnati, O., July 8.-Manager St. Louis Brown Stockings, St. Louis, Mo.: Will be back for Sunday's game.  (Signed), Frank Decker.

Although Decker's position has been admirably filled by Marble, since the former left, McGinnis will have more confidence in his old catcher, and the team will be materially strengthened.  It is now fully as strong as any professional club in the country, and when some first-class teams come this way there will be rare sport at Grand Avenue Park.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, July 9, 1879

It appears that Decker played in three games with Syracuse before returning to the fold.  

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