Sunday, July 5, 2009

Undetermined As To Their Future Course

The fact that less than 500 people attended the three games of base ball at Indianapolis last week, would seem to indicate that the Hoosier Club is an expensive institution to its backers. That it should be, is indicated by the manner in which the officers have acted recently. The team was transferred to this city, and, in spite of the intense heat, and the fact that the Blues played a game which the local amateurs could discount, the attendance was fair. Supt. Solari had gone to a great deal of expense in fitting up the park, but the moment the club found that they could not draw large crowds until they demonstrated their ability to play ball, they skipped back to Indianapolis, and, if the reports in the Pittsburg papers are true, will ignore their St. Louis engagements and play in that city. Last night the Indianapolis correspondent of the Globe-Democrat was informed by President Pettitt that the report as to Pittsburg was without foundation, and that, as stated heretofore, the club would alternate between St. Louis and Indianapolis, coming here when the weather was cooler. On the heels of the above telegram, a message was sent to John Clapp, the manager of the club, stating that the weather was cooler, and asking whether the club intended keeping its engagements here, to which the following reply was received:

"No. We are due in Chicago next week; can not tell about week after next. (Signed) John E. Clapp."

The above shows that the directors of the club are undetermined as to their future course. If they think it will pay they will come here; if not-not...For the benefit of the jealous scribes in League cities who misrepresented the numbers in attendance at the three games played here, it may be stated that St. Louisians are educated up to the fine points in base ball, and that they have no use for a club which can neither bat nor run bases. Lovers of the national game who saw a club made up of six of the present Chicago team, with three of the strongest men in the Providence nine-the Hartfords of '76-whitewashed in three straight games in one week by the St. Louis Brown Stockings, are not willing to patronize any except a strictly first-class organization.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, July 21, 1878

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