Sunday, October 4, 2009

The 1876 Brown Stockings: A Busy Week

The Brown Stockings have arranged games for the ensuing week, as follows:

Monday-Empires, at Grand Avenue Park.
Tuesday-St. Louis Reds, at Reds' Park.
Wednesday-Athletics, at Grand Avenue Park.
Thursday-St. Louis University, at Grand Avenue Park.
Friday-Grand Avenue, at Grand Avenue Park.
Saturday-St. Louis Reds, at Grand Avenue Park.

The last game mentioned will be the Browns' farewell when they will make their first appearance in their new rig. The games with the Empire, Athletic, St. Louis University and Grand Avenue nines are for a silver ball. Every day the nine will be timed in running bases, and the nine will be tried in throwing. Prizes will be offered to the Browns for the players making the most runs and base hits, most right-field hits or hits for the side, best out-fielding record and best in-field record in the games...

The Brown Stockings leave next Saturday evening for Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Louisville, and will be absent until the 3d of May.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, April 16, 1876

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