Monday, October 26, 2009

The 1876 Brown Stockings: The White-Hosed Gentlemen Have Remained In St. Louis

The white-hosed gentlemen, by whom Chicago is represented on the ball field, have remained in St. Louis with the evident determination of to-day wiping out the inglorious defeat administered to them by the Brown Stockings on Friday. The Whites may be able to do as they desire, and then again they may not. It is among the possibilities that St. Louis may treat Chicago just as Cincinnati treated the former in the games between their representative clubs last week. The fight will assuredly be a tough one, for the reason that the game may be looked upon as the most important of the entire season. If the St. Louis boys can duplicate their victory over Chicago to-day, it is more than probable that they will, in a very few days, be able to offset the three unlucky defeats with which they were credited in the opening week, and that ere long they will be neck and neck with the Whites in the race for the championship.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, May 8, 1876

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