Sunday, December 13, 2009

The 1876 Brown Stockings: Meanwhile, Back In St. Louis...

Honors were pretty evenly divided yesterday in the base ball contests between the representative league clubs of the East and West, Chicago and Louisville winning, and St. Louis and Cincinnati losing. By all odds the most important of the four contests was that between the Browns of St. Louis and the Dark Blues of Hartford. To these organizations the task has fallen of depriving the Chicago White Stockings of the championship, and as each of these clubs had won the same number of games the meeting was looked forward to with more than usual interest. Hundreds of people assembled in the vicinity of the Globe-Democrat office where the game by innings was bulletined, and runners were busily engaged in carrying the figures to saloon-keepers and others who displayed them as though they had paid for them in order to attract custom. The first inning and the fourth were hailed with shouts of joy by the friends of the absent ones, but the others were silently received and at the end of the game the disappointed spectators retired in decency and in order.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, June 7, 1876

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