Friday, December 24, 2010

The 1887 World Series: Gunplay In The Grand Stands

During the progress of the Detroit-St. Louis base ball game at the Polo grounds this afternoon, a commotion was created by the discharge of a revolver in the grand stand. Mr. Fred Davis, brother-in-law of Mr. John B. Day, President of the New York Club, recently purchased a revolver of Messrs. A.G. Spalding & Brother. He was rather proud of the weapon and has a permit to carry it. Mr. Curtis, the business manager of Spalding Brothers' New York house, was examining the dangerous plaything in the rear of the grand stand, and not knowing it was loaded, pulled the trigger, the bullet so injuring the first finger of his left hand that it had to be amputated to-night.
-The Daily Inter Ocean, October 16, 1887

There's a joke to be made here about New York baseball fans and guns but, in honor of the Christmas spirit, I will pass.

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