Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Two Splendid Enclosed Parks

During the past year or two a great deal of interest has been manifested in athletic exercises of every description in this section of the country, and as a result the coming season promises to be the most active in the annals of field sports. From present indications there will be two splendid enclosed parks within the limits of the city at the disposal of the fraternity. The enterprise with which Mr. Christ Von der Ahe has connected himself, having been duly incorporated, is already at work enlarging and improving the old Base Ball Grounds on Grand avenue, and every convenience for sportsmen and spectators will be provided. The St. Louis Sportsmen's club will, as in the past, make this park their headquarters; the cricketing organizations and the Brown Stocking ball tossers will also play there, and many foot races will doubtless be run to a conclusion on these grounds. Then there will be a hand ball court, bowling alleys, etc. Mr. Thomas McNeary, proprietor of the Compton Avenue Park, has sold his entire interest to his younger brother, Frank. All the difficulties that existed with the lessees having been removed, Frank has already commenced fitting up the ground for the coming campaign...Mr. McNeary contemplates improvements that will make his park as attractive and well adapted to the purposes for which it is intended as any in the country. In view of the fact that the famous Brown Stockings are already arranging for an aggressive campaign on the ball field, Mr. McNeary contemplates the reorganization of the old Red Stockings, and will equipt and place them in the field if he meets with sufficient cooperation from the former members to warrant him in doing so.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, March 27, 1881

Interesting article. It gives us a glance at the beginning of Von der Ahe's baseball career and, at the same time, the end of McNeary's.

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