Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Caruthers Deal Hangs Fire

The Caruthers deal hangs fire, and will probably be settled definitely this morning. Late last night it was learned that Charley Byrne, the Brooklyn manager, would be in town to-day, when he will take the matter in his own hands. Joe Pritchard made another attempt to sign the great twirler yesterday. The conversation ran in this way:

"Well, Bob, are you ready to sign?"

"Yes, are you ready with the money?"

"I will give you $4500, with $1500 advance."

"No. Give me $4500 salary, with a bonus of $500 and $1000 advance, and my name will go to your contract."

"No, I can't do that."

"All right; then I don't sign."

This conversation took place in Schaefer's Billiard Parlor, and after Bob had spoken he took up a cue and commenced to play billiards. Pritchard seeing the matter was hopeless, went away to wait for further advices from Brooklyn. Gus Schmelz left for home last night. He saw that there was no chance to sign Caruthers, and gave up the chase. If Byrne arrives to-day Caruthers will sign before night.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, November 26, 1887

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