Monday, February 21, 2011

Caruthers' Luck

Bob Caruthers, who has a great reputation as a sport, has been at his old tricks during the past few days. It will be remembered that last spring he lost $9000 in one sitting. Sunday night he strolled into Jake Schaefer's parlor and commenced to play billiards with Ross Swift. The pair soon became interested and played cushion caroms, 10 points to a game, for $20 a side. Caruthers quit $150 winner. He left there and went up to a resort on Seventh street to play cards. The first hand dealt him he had four aces pat, and raked in $120. He won over $400 during the night.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, November 22, 1887

I don't remember reading anything about Caruthers gambling away $9000 in one night and I'm not sure if I believe it. That was a lot of money in 1887. Heck, that's a lot of money today.

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