Wednesday, February 16, 2011


President Von der Ahe returned from the East yesterday morning without having completed most of the business he went for, viz: the completion of his team for next year. He misunderstood the telegram sent him in regard to the late fire at Sportsman's Park, and thinking the damage far greater than it really was, returned to make arrangements for rebuilding. Finding the loss trifling he will return on Wednesday or Thursday. He is very reticent regarding any changes to be made in the Browns, and declares that nothing has been done as yet in that regard, but promises some rich developments in the near future. He states that his recent conferences with Mr. Byrne, of Brooklyn, were merely in regard to the umpire question, which has been settled in a manner that will be greeted with joy by all patrons of the American Association...Mr. Von der Ahe signed Gibson, the late Philadelphia catcher, while in the Quaker City. He also signed McCormick, the old Baltimore third baseman, for his Western League Club.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, November 15, 1887

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