Sunday, February 6, 2011

The West Ends Are Confident

The New Orleans Pinchbacks and the West Ends meet for the last time to-day at Sportsman's Park. The weather has interfered with the games Saturday and Sunday and to-day each combination will put its strongest team in the field. The West Ends are confident that they can knock out the "Coons" from the South and this is their last chance. The rival coachers will appear with all their stock in trade and will try to rattle the respective pitchers. Game will be called at 3:30 p.m. The Pinchbacks would like very much to meet the Cuban Giants and may take a trip to New York this fall and play for the colored championship of the United States.
-St. Louis Republic, August 28, 1888

Well, I guess it was good that they got a pre-game notice.

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