Thursday, April 7, 2011

The 1884 Maroons: Materializing Into An Organization

The Lucas-Wainwright Club is materializing into an organization that will command the respect and admiration of the whole country. Early yesterday afternoon news was received that Mr. Lucas, who was in Pittsburg, had signed Mike Mansell, Wm. Taylor and J.P. Dickerson, respectively the left fielder, first baseman and center fielder of the Allegheny Club of this year. Later in the day messages came announcing that Gross, the catcher of the Philadelphia Club, Dave Rowe, center fielder of the Baltimore club, and Jack Rowe, catcher of the Buffalo nine, were secured, making in all six important acquisitions. Mike Mansell is a grand left fielder, a good left-handed batsman, and one of the fleetest runners in the profession. Taylor is an all-around player, who is able to acquit himself in an exceedingly creditable manner in any position on the field. Dickerson is a center fielder of merit and a reliable left-handed batsman. These three men will come here on salaries of $2,000 each. Gross is one of the tallest catchers in the country, and has a remarkably long reach, which he utilizes to the greatest advantage. He is also a wonderful thrower and an excellent batsman. The Rowe brothers are highly esteemed by both the public and the management, the latter's appreciation of their ability being attested by contracts providing them with salaries of $2,600 each...Besides being a grand catcher, Jack can play any position on the field.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, November 9, 1883

Of the players mentioned above, only Billy Taylor, Buttercup Dickerson and Dave Rowe actually played for the Maroons in 1884. It appears that the Allegheny's had given Dickerson and Taylor their releases and they were free to sign with any club.

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