Monday, July 25, 2011

The Players Are Praying For Our Success

The Union Club's grounds are fast approaching playing order, and a few more days of fine weather will find them not only in perfect condition, but equaling in beauty any ball park in the country. The field is now being sodded, the only thing that remains to be done to complete the work upon it, while the grand stand is having the cover put on. An order was given yesterday for 1,500 folding opera chairs and 2,500 others of very comfortable pattern, all of which will be in their places shortly. It is not unlikely that the resident members of the Union team will be practicing on the grounds during the present week.

President Lucas left last night for Cincinnati, to attend the Union Association schedule meeting which will be held at the Gibson House to-morrow. Before going...he spoke in flattering terms of the prospects of the Unions, and declared that the present condition of the association exceeded this most sanguine expectations.

"It is claimed," said he, "that some of our clubs are not strong in all their positions. Whether that is true or not we are unable to say at present, but even if it is true, we will come out of the season all right. All our clubs have capital behind them and it is absurd to imagine that capital can not command talent in base ball as well as in any other profession. Then the fact that ball players are growing and developing all the time assures us plenty of playing material in spite of the extraordinary efforts the League and American Association are making to control the entire supply. There is one thing we are certain of. All we have to do is to hold out this year, and next we can get all the players we want-the pick of the country, in fact. The players are praying for our success, because they know it will be the death of the reserve rule, and we propose to see that their prayers are answered."
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, March 16, 1884

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