Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The 1884 Maroons: A Memorial Day Doubleheader?

The schedule for the Keystones game this week has been changed.  Instead of playing two games on Friday, they will play but one, the second one on the schedule having been changed to Saturday.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, May 28, 1884

While the Maroons' schedule changed because of the rainy weather in St. Louis, it looks like they had scheduled a doubleheader for May 30th.  I thought this was kind of rare and odd so I checked Game of Inches to see what Peter Morris had to say about the history of the doubleheader:

As Charlie Bevis has reported, the 1880s saw separate-admission doubleheaders become common on holidays.  Initially there were only two such holidays during the season--Decoration Day (now Memorial Day) and Independence Day.  

Prior to this, Morris writes, doubleheaders were usually only played when a cancelled game had to be rescheduled.

So it looks like the Maroons had scheduled a doubleheader for Memorial Day 1884, which fit in with the baseball traditions of the period.  And, yes, I did check to make sure that Memorial Day was observed on May 30th in 1884.  

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