Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Triumph Of The Empire Club

The members of the victorious Empire Base Ball Club returned about 11 o'clock Monday night from Dubuque, bringing with them the handsome prize ball of solid silver.  They were received on the other side of the river by the remaining base ball clubs of the city, including the Baltic, Liberty, Magenta, Diana, Columbia, Hope and O.K.  Frank Boehm's silver band was in attendance, and all the clubs together formed quite a procession.  Several flags, including a very large one borne by the Empire fellers, gave a sort of martial or triumphal aspect to the procession.  After landing at the Levee the company marched up Chesnut street, stopping to give a round of cheers for the Republican, and then proceeded to their quarters, at No. 124 North Thrid street, over Miller's oyster saloon.  On reaching their rooms they were addressed in a few words of welcome by Mr. E.H. Tobias.  Mr. Walter, President of the club, responded in a few remarks, in which he thanked the different clubs for welcoming the "Empires" home, and hoped that they might all go on similar expeditions one of these days, and bring home silver prizes.  The silver ball, we are informed, will remain on exhibition in Mr. Miller's saloon for a time, and every-body who desires may see it.  The following are the names of the young men who won it:  John Quinn, Adam Wirth, Robert Duncan, David Duffy, J.M. Johnson, C.C. Northon, S.R. Barrett, J. Frain, and F.C. Billow.
-Missouri Republican, October 4, 1865

This account of the Empires' return to St. Louis, after their victory in Dubuque, is similar to Tobias' account, which appeared in The Sporting News in 1895.  I don't have much to add except that the description of Miller's saloon as an "oyster saloon" is new to me.  Also, the Republican got the names of several members of the Empire Club wrong.  Nothing like returning in triumph only to have your name mangled in the local paper. 

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