Saturday, January 12, 2013

A Joke Of A League

It is suspected that the Philadelphia Club paid Wilmington a bonus to disband.  Anyhow, they get Cusick and Nolan, the best battery, and Bastian, a wonderful young second baseman, whom Cleveland wanted.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, September 19, 1884

The Union Base Ball Association met [in Washington] to-day.  A financial statement showing the association to be in a prosperous condition, was presented.  The principal business which was under consideration was the application of the Milwaukee Club for admission to membership.  It was taken up and acted upon favorably.  A schedule of games was then arranged to suit the various clubs, some changes having been rendered necessary by the admission of Milwaukee and the disbandment of the Wilmington Club.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, September 20, 1884

The Pittsburg Unions disbanded Friday at Baltimore.  Schoeneeck, Strief, Battin, Ellick, Wheeler, Atkisson, Suck and Kreig were engaged by the Baltimore Unions.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, September 21, 1884

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