Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sensational Base Ball Negotiations

A few days ago a Globe-Democrat reporter was advised that an effort was being made to get the St. Louis Union Base Ball Club into the National League.  The information was to the effect that the franchise of the Cleveland Club was in the market and, in view of the probable dropping out of that organization, other League representatives were anxious to take the St. Louis Unions into membership.  If Cleveland should disband Detroit would probably follow, and in that event both the St. Louis and Cincinnati Unions would join the League.  A gentleman interested in the local Unions was asked about this information and said it was substantially correct, but that he did not think anything would come of the negotiations because some of the league clubs were disposed to insist on the ostracism of Dunlap, Shaffer, Sweeny, Gleason, McCormick, Briody, Glascock and others, which the Union Clubs would under no circumstance consent to. 

The League The Dictator.

He was asked if Mr. Von der Ahe refused to give his consent would the matter be dropped, and answered that it would not; that it was understood that Mr. Von der Ahe was in favor of the project, and thought it would be a benefit to his club, but whatever might be his action the league was looking out for itself, and would dictate terms to the American Association instead of being dictated to...

President Lucas, of the Unions, was approached on the subject, but said he had nothing to say except that he was going right along preparing for the Union Association Convention to be held in this city on next Thursday.

Yesterday morning the following appeared in Caylor's special to the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, reporting the proceeding of the American Association Convention:

The Crank's Version.

"Over and beyond the proceedings of the Convention, the sensation to-night has been a rumor in the corridors of the hotel, which was traced to a certainty after the meeting adjourned.  It was no less a fact than that Mr. Chase, the attorney of Henry V. Lucas, was on hand arranging for the transfer of the Lucas Club to the League.  I understand that Messrs. Chase and Day, of the New York League Club, and Mr. Von der Ahe were in consultation in the matter, and the result has been altogether favorable.  Von der Ahe's consent is necessary to effect the new membership.  He will of course require that Dunlap, Shaffer and Rowe be dropped, and that under no circumstance shall they be made eligible to play."

"It is understood that the League rules will be strictly enforced, namely, no bar, no Sunday games and a 50-cent tariff.  It is understood that Mr. Lucas wants to cater to the high-toned portions in St. Louis, and believes it will pay with a League club, and Von der Ahe is of the opinion that such a club would benefit him, rather than do him injury.  If Von der Ahe keeps this opinion till his return the deal will certainly be made.  Whether it is or not, however, it is absolutely certain that the Union Association is a goner."

The Union's Association Will Go On.

Vice President Espenched of the Unions was seen last night by a Globe-Democrat reporter.  He said his attention had been called to the Commercial Gazette's report by a telegram from the Cincinnati Enquirer, to which he replied: "Mr. Lucas is in Indianapolis arranging for a Union Club.  Assure our players they need have no fear."

The Union Association, he said, would go right along and would certainly protect its players.  The thought that it was "a goner" probably delighted Caylor, but his transport of joy would be blighted by the painful reality that his tormentor still lived and would continue to live.
-St. Louis Globe-Democrat, December 13, 1884

Somewhere, I think there has to be a record of a third game played between the Maroons and Louisville in October of 1884 but I can't find it.  The game was scheduled but there is nothing in the Globe about it.  But the Louisville exhibition series finished the season for the Maroons.  So we're moving on. 

And here we have the first mention that I've found of the possibility of the Maroons moving to the NL.  I don't think that the representation of Von der Ahe's attitude is correct or something, at some point, made him change his mind about supporting the Maroons move to the NL.  The process would not be an easy one.   

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