Saturday, April 13, 2013

Claiming The Forfeit

The Red Stockings Club of St. Louis, Mo., claim forfeit of a game which the Philadelphia Club failed to play with them on Sunday, June 20...

On the 20th the Atlantic of St. Louis, Mo., surrendered to the Red Sox, who scored 36 to 4...
-Mears Baseball Scrapbook, Volume 4, 1856-1907

This is kind of interesting.  The Whites of Philadelphia played four games in St. Louis from June 14 to June 21, including one with the Reds on June 15, and I'm not sure what happened with the game that the Reds believed was supposed to be played on the 20th.  The Philadelphias were in town and didn't play the Brown Stockings that day, so they could have played the Reds.  Maybe they just chose not to play the game.  Regardless, it looks like the Reds picked up a game against the Atlantics after the game with Philadelphia fell through. 

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